A campaign summary is available in the PDF file below and in the Materials tab, where you can also find German, Italian, and Slovene translations.
The individual content elements of the transmedia campaign have been distributed across various media channels, including the eLearning platform Elearningproject.eu, YouTube video and podcast playlists, Facebook and LinkedIn posts and reposts, Spotify, and printed media like stickers, posters, and roll-ups.
Facebook posts shown below offer a wealth of information in multiple languages about the websites aiding refugees in Europe, counselling services, labour market integration tips, and global news.
The video below introduces the idea of the university’s third mission – beyond teaching and research and dedicating it to societal impact. Innovation, community outreach, and knowledge sharing are essential in addressing real-world challenges.
The social media reposts displayed below also present an opportunity to promote learning and share information.
Below are examples of blog posts shared on behalf of various Campus Asylum events, providing diverse information about the UnInLeCo project and the New Right of Residence Act.
The post below contains brief information about a book titled Nach der Flucht (Eng. After the Escape).
SoWiBeFo-Campus-Asylum-eBook-Asylsuchende-in-BayernBelow, you can listen to two short audiocasts describing the social services of the Campus Asylum organization and its cooperation with the universities as part of their third mission activities.
The last video of the campaign below summarizes the idea of cooperation between NGOs and universities as part of their third mission activities.