PRUDMET Online Learning Portal – Contents for Trainers

Introduction and content

This section provides trainers and mentors of digital learning at higher education institutions with the materials they need to support HE staff to increase their competence and implement digital media and technologies in their teaching and learning. Besides, the materials can help the staff positively impact their students’ learning.

The materials collected in this course contain the following:

  • tutor guide explaining the rationale for each workshop, its aims, and expected outcomes
  • competency matrix
  • materials to support the delivery of each workshop, including PowerPoint presentations, media clips, activities, and quizzes
  • mentoring template, including example questions to support each mentoring meeting
  • video guides to support HE Staff after the workshops or independently of the workshops
  • case studies and practitioner papers that show different intervention approaches by HE staff

The workshops are intended to be delivered in person.; however, they can also be used as self-learning materials. The duration of the workshops was initially planned to be 2 hours. Video Guides are meant to be used for self-learning; they are support materials for the workshops with more detailed explanations of the contents.

Target groups

  • university teachers
  • trainers and mentors of online training at universities and higher education institutions

Course specific objectives

  • Improve digital competence for university teachers, trainers and mentors of digital learning in higher education.
  • Enhance teaching effectiveness by utilizing digital tools.
  • Provide trainers and mentors with a clear understanding of workshop content and delivery.
  • Develop technical knowledge and skills through the competency matrix.
  • Offer practical resources for workshops and self-guided learning.
  • Provide in-depth explanations through video guides.
  • Share real-world examples for practical insights and inspiration.

Matrix of competencies

The competency Matrix serves as an opportunity to identify the combination of technical knowledge and skills needed to design, develop and implement digital media and technologies for teaching and learning in higher education. The matrix was derived from literature research and surveying users and trainers to produce a validated set of competencies. Try our survey-based diagnosis tool and check your competencies.

Other Prudmet courses

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.


Workshop 1

Reading [ES] [SI] [LT]
Presentation [ES] [SI] [LT]
Tutor notes [ES] [SI] [LT]

Workshop 2

Reading [ES] [SI] [LT]
Presentation [ES] [SI] [LT]
Tutor notes [ES] [SI] [LT]

Workshop 3

Reading [ES] [SI] [LT]
Presentation [ES] [SI] [LT]
Tutor notes [ES] [SI] [LT]

Workshop 4

Reading [ES] [SI] [LT]
Presentation [ES] [SI] [LT]
Tutor notes [ES] [SI] [LT]

Workshop 5

Reading [ES] [SI] [LT]
Presentation [ES] [SI] [LT]
Tutor notes [ES] [SI] [LT]

Workshop 6

Reading [ES] [SI] [LT]
Presentation [ES] [SI] [LT]
Tutor notes [ES] [SI] [LT]

Workshop 7

Reading [ES] [SI] [LT]
Presentation [ES] [SI] [LT]
Tutor notes [ES] [SI] [LT]

Workshop 8

Reading [ES] [SI] [LT]
Presentation [ES] [SI] [LT]
Tutor notes [ES] [SI] [LT]

Case studies

Translations [ES] [SI] [LT]
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