Background information
This course is built on the contents of the Handbook for Coaches of Digital Learning in SMEs produced as an intellectual outcome of the Erasmus+ DigiVET project.
The objective of this course is to inform future coaches, continuing support agents for the workplace or work-based learning, human development trainers, coaches and counsellors, as well as VET trainers in training centres, about the state-of-the-art techniques of working with digital media and the current methodologies in work-based learning (such as learning and working assignments, visual process descriptions, animations, explainer videos, video-based instructions, etc.) as best practices from partner countries.
The course lays out a systematic process of coaching the target groups of VET trainers and small SME trainers to become agents to introduce digital media in SME and VET training systems.
The course starts with a discussion of the relevance of work-based learning (WBL), including how the use of digital media (DM) should contribute to WBL (in contrast to using digital media in traditional formal education in settings like universities, schools, or formal professional training. An important emphasis of the course is also on the competencies needed to successfully embed digital learning resources in the learning system of a smaller company. The last part of the course provides detailed information and guidelines on creating the most relevant digital learning resources.
General aim of the course
The course aims to teach coaches, trainers, and counsellors how to effectively use digital media and modern work-based learning methods in SMEs and VET settings. It covers state-of-the-art techniques, best practices, and competency development, focusing on enhancing work-based learning with digital media and creating relevant digital learning resources.
Course specific objectives
- Introduce digital media types.
- Explain the importance of work-based learning.
- Teach effective digital media integration.
- Develop competency in digital tools.
- Share international best practices.
- Provide coaching and training skills.
- Guide resource creation.
- Establish a systematic coaching process.
Other DigiVET courses
Certificate of attendance
You should be signed in to complete the course and earn the certificate of attendance. Watch all the introductory videos and mark all the lessons/topics as completed. After finalizing the questionnaire with the evaluation of your experience, you can download and print your certificate.

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
a) Various supporting materials
- Guidance for Coaches Video Production: Simplified Workflow (English)
- How to add translation subtitles to YouTube media/videos (English)?
b) Video production process Tutorial
- Video Production Process Tutorial (English)
- Videoerstellung (German)
- Tutorial para Processo de Produção de Vídeos (Portugues)
- Procesul de producție a videoclip – urilor (Romanian)
- Postopek video produkcije (Slovenian)
- Video üretim süreci eğitimi (Turkish)
c) Handbook Media Competencies for Coaches of small SMEs
- Handbook for Coaches of Digital Learning in SMEs (English)
- Handbuch für Coaches für digitales Lernens in KMU (German)
- Media Digital e Aprendizagem em Contexto de Trabalho para Coaches em PMEs (Portuguese)
- Manual de instruire destinat antrenorilor de învățare digitală înIMM-uri (Romanian)
- Priročnik za trenerje digitalnega učenja v MSP (Slovenian)
- Handbook for coaches of digital learning in SMEs (Turkish)
d) Matrix of Competences for Digital Learning Coaching in small SMEs
- Competency Matrix and Policy Recommendations Report (English)
- Kompetenzmatrix und Politikempfehlungen (German)
- Matriz de Competências para Formação de Media Digital em PMEs (Portuguese)
- Raport privind Matricea competențelor și recomandări de politico (Romanian)
- Kompetenčna matrika in poročilo s priporočili politikam (Slovenian)
- Yetkinlik Matrisi ve Politika Önerileri Raporu (Turkish)